Temperance, affectionately known as Tempe, is a charmer, with a heart full of love and a gentle spirit. Tempe’s favorite pastime is curling up close to her human companions, basking in the warmth of a tender petting session. With her soulful, almond-shaped brown eyes, she gazes deeply into your soul, radiating pure adoration.

Tempe enjoys walks, taking her time to check out every intriguing scent along the way. She delights in sniffing games and has a special fondness for stuffed Kongs and stuffy toys making playtime a joy.

Her previous family reported that she is completely house trained and is used to sleeping in a crate, though she doesn’t need to. She knows the ques sit and high five!

Tempe is well-suited to a low-key family environment where she can enjoy the simple pleasures of life. A big, fluffy bed, a few daily strolls, some time spent exploring the yard, a toy or two and lots of pets are all she needs to stay content.

If you are interested in learning more about Temperance, apply at the link below and an adoption counselor can reach out to you directly. https://www.bchumane.org/adoption-application/