We are thrilled…

Curley Sue now has a little pep in her step. Her eyes have a twinkle and her ears perk up when she sees someone. Her coat is soft and silky, smooth. You can pet her and feel a little meat on her bones.

Most delightful – her sweet, gentle personality is emerging.

She’s come a long way from the skeleton of a dog that was found along the highway, unable to use her back legs, covered in burrs and mats and with a dull, vacant look in her eyes.

Lots of TLC, a couple of vet visits, good nutrition and time have gotten this senior girl to a place where she is now ready to find her forever home.

Curley Sue spends most of her day napping and her favorite place to nap is wherever the people are. She enjoys being petted and will lay her head in your lap, but she’s not pushy about it. If you are busy, she’s cool with that, and will find a place to lie down.

Everything about this girl is calm and gentle. She gets along great with other dogs and cats.

She does need to take medication daily for her heart, but is happy to do so as long as there’s a hot dog involved!

Could you be the last stop on Curley Sue’s journey?