She might look like a couch potato, and she is a bit of that, but Twiggy also enjoys a good...
Category: Videos
Video: “Pet Me” Piglet
No dog does “Pet me, pet me, pet me” better than Piglet. This silly little girl will dance with...
Video: Sweet Basil
It doesn’t take long to win Basil’s trust – a gentle pet, a yummy treat and she’s soon tagging along...
Video: Lovely Layla
In between chasing balls, Layla loves to stretch out as long as she can get, frogleg like, and soak up...
Video: Titus is terrific
Look at that white grizzled face and the big doe eyes and the first thing you think is, oh, what...
Video: Miss Pippa
Part gazelle, part bunny, all adorable! That’s Miss Pippa. The tips of her bunny-like ears bounce in concert with...
Video: Cass has class!
We’re impressed and you will be, too. Cass is full of puppy liveliness but after getting some exercise, especially by...
Video: Sweet as a Peach
Peach – a perfect name for a perfect girl. She is soft and sweet just like a peach. Peach loves...
Video – Bouncy Buster
Getting 80 pounds of forward motion to stop on a dime isn’t an easy task, but Buster can do it...
Video: Ricky – so refined!
Polite, refined, well-mannered that’s Ricky. He’s also lots of fun! A real people dog Ricky has a hard time deciding...