No dog does “Pet me, pet me, pet me better than Piglet. This silly little girl will dance with...
Category: Dogs of the Week
Video: Chevy

He’s big and he’s stocky, but the biggest thing about Chevy is his gentleness and kind spirit. We’re pretty sure...
Dog of the Week – Piglet

No dog does “Pet me, pet me, pet me” better than Piglet. This silly little girl will dance with her...
Dog of the Week – Chevy

Likes: snuggles, treats, kisses and long walks in the sun Dislikes: sharing the attention and cold weather Chevy...
Dog of the Week – Sassy

Hi my name is Sassy which is very fitting of my personality! I can take some time to warm up...
Video: Zeus

If awards were given to the shelter dogs, Zeus would nab two – “Most Improved” and “Best Dancer”. Zeus has...
Video: Sienna and Zeus

The New Year is a time for new beginnings and that was the case for Sienna and Zeus. They...
Dog of the Week – Sienna

Need a little zest in your life, maybe a new a bestie to liven things up? Then Sienna’s your gal....
Video: Harley

Harley doesn’t need words to talk to you, her expressive face says it all! Brow deeply furrowed, eyes wide...