Remmy – Faster than a speeding bullet, Remmy loves to chase and be chased. She’s made lots of doggy friends...
Category: Dogs of the Week
Dog of the Week – 05-30-16

Bud – It’s obvious that someone spent some quality time with Bud before he arrived at the shelter. Even before...
Dog of the Week – 05-23-16

Nyla – The first word most people say when they meet Nyla is aah! Aah, she’s so beautiful! Aah, she’s...
Dog of the Week – 05-16-16

Max – Smart as a whip, Max is our A+ student. He’s a quick learner and very eager to please....
Dog of the Week – 05-09-16

Abraham – He has a wise soul. You can see it in his eyes. He knows things. At first, it...
Dog of the Week – 05-02-16

Aurora – With people, she’s a little princess, but with other dogs, Aurora is a full-out tomboy. A petite, little...
Dog of the Week – 04-25-16

Charlie – What a charmer. With his elegant walk, soft-brown eyes, and slow-motion like play, he’s an easy guy to...
Dog of the Week – 04-18-16

Roger – He’s such a delightful little guy. He seems to be grateful for every little thing. Give him a...
Dog of the Week – 04-11-16

Hans – First impressions aren’t always correct. Take Hans, for example. Initially, he comes across as a goofy, silly boy...
Dog of the Week – 04-04-16

Ed – He’s an easy going, laid back boy. Equal parts people lovin’ and dog playin’ make this boy very...