Evan is the “old soul.” Unlike most cats, he loves to hold your gaze, and it feels like he’s looking...
Video: Gracie – the Lovebug

If Gracie’s tail is any indication of the joy in her heart, then it’s unmistakable that people are her favorite...
Video: Red – Calm & Cool

Nothing is easier for our volunteers than to spend time with Red. He is quiet, neat, well-mannered, and enjoys attention...
Cat of the Week – 02-06-17

Pumpkin – You can’t help but love this little girl. Her big eyes, round little face, and oh-so-sweet personality make...
Dog of the Week – 02-06-17

Cinnamon – Such a gentle, mature lady. Cinnamon is soft. Her eyes are soft and gentle. Her coat is soft...
Health Benefits of Spay/Neuter

Spaying and neutering your pets is vital to decrease the number of homeless pets, but the procedures also have many...
Cat of the Week – 01-30-17

Myrtle – She’s one of the sweeter kitties we’ve known. It’s difficult to get a great photo of her because...
Dog of the Week – 01-30-17

Dresden – Always with a smile on his face. That may be because everything makes him happy. For example, walks....
Video: Trevor – what a treasure!

Finding the perfect dog for your family is a bit like a treasure hunt. If your ideal dog is young,...
Video: Gentle Jude

Close to you! That’s gentle Jude’s motto. For such a young dog, Jude is super calm and affectionate. Sure, he’ll...