Dresden – This boy always has a smile on his face. That may be because everything makes him happy. For...
Cat of the Week – 03-13-17

Ash – “Wow.” That’s what most people say when they first meet Ash. He’s a BIG boy and beautiful to...
Dog of the Week – 03-13-17

Sampson – Who knew what a handsome and gentle dog was hiding behind that initial rough exterior. A tincture of...
Video: Oscar – the snuggle bunny

Oscar – the snuggle bunny. Morning, noon or night, Oscar is always ready to nestle in by your side to...
Cat of the Week – 03-06-17

Wanda – “What’s a girl got to do to get some love around here?” That’s what Wanda seems to be...
Dog of the Week – 03-06-17

Lyle – Look at that face. Lyle’s soft, brown eyes, perky ears, and dimples will all make you want to...
Video: Lyle has style!

Lyle enjoys being with his person. Going on walks, getting a belly scratch—all part of Lyle’s perfect day. If you...
Dog of the Week – 02-27-17

Zoey – Her biggest decision of each day is determining which person needs her attention the most. She’s so funny...
Cat of the Week – 02-27-17

Tina – A beautiful Russian Blue, Tina has the bearing and demeanor of old world royalty. Whether she’s wearing her...
Video: Handsome Sampson

Who knew what a handsome and gentle dog was hiding behind that initial rough exterior. A tincture of time, a...