Meet Suleka, the enchanting feline with a personality as unique as her name. This sweet girl boasts a blend of...
2023 Year in Review
Another year is in the books and with it, over 600 animals were served by the Brown County Humane Society....
Video: Buford
Come meet Buford – he loves people and playing fetch. He’s smart, too – always trying to figure out a...
Video: Costello
Costello loves tossing his fluffy toys in the air just so he can chase them again. A fun-loving, laid-back pup,...
Video: Posey
Posey is the cutest pup you’ll ever meet – perky ears, big smile, beautiful coat and a great personality, too!...
Video: Abbott
A warm bed, yummy food and a family to call his own is all Abbott is looking for. This easy-going...
Indoor Games for Active Dogs
What to do when it’s too cold and wet to venture outside with that bundle of energy covered in a...
Video: Karl
Karl – deer, cat, rabbit or dog? We think he’s a little of each! The way he gracefully flies through...
Video: Dash
Dash just can’t decide what he likes more – getting pets from his favorite people or playing ball. His solution...