Poppy – It’s no wonder that Poppy is so popular with everyone she meets. She has wonderful doggy social skills...
Cat of the Week – 01-04-16
Bebe – This beauty wants to bond with you. She’s looking for someone to be her companion through life. She’ll...
Popular Poppy
It’s no wonder that Poppy is so popular with everyone she meets. She has wonderful doggy social skills and loves...
Thunder – Wonder Boy
Wiggle, waggle, jiggle, squirm – Thunder just can’t seem to hold still when someone pays attention to him. That white...
Barry – a statesman
Wiser than his 18 months, Barry reminds us of a well respected statesman. His regal appearance and reserved personality gains...
Flash – a big softie!
Hounds. We think we know what to expect when we meet one. All nose and noise. And that’s what...
Cat of the Week – 12-28-15
The “Open Your Heart” Collection Behind every open heart is a story. Keep your heart open and love will always...
Dog of the Week – 12-28-15
Flash is just a big old softie. In fact, he’s a breed of dog we call a “Soft-Coated Hugging Couch-Sitter.”...
Tanner – A Boy and His Toys
Tanner and toys – like cowboys and their hats – you seldom see one without the other. Tanner’s favorite...
Jingle Bells Tanner
“Thanks, foster family, for all the great cat toys you’ve bought me. The fishing pole, the cat dancer and...