Sylvia – Got milk? It’s not really polite to point out a lady’s mustache, but how can we help it...
Athletic Aryana
Looks can be deceiving! When you meet Aryana, you immediately think she must be one of those lucky girls who...
Charismatic Chloe

Chloe just wants to have fun! With her people pals or canine buddies, Chloe is a wiggly, always-active girl. She...
Cat of the Week – 01-18-16

Mia – Little Mia, the girl who couldn’t make up her mind. Mia is pretty sure she likes people. Maybe....
Dog of the Week – 01-18-16

Kris – Just like with Kris Kringle, when you meet Kris, the coonhound, he’ll have you smiling in no time. ...
Dee Dee – Favorite Big Sister
Dee Dee is everybody’s favorite big sister. When she plays with a youngster who is a bit rambunctious, Dee Dee...
Cat of the Week – 01-11-16
Nicholas – Poor boy…he looks a little scared, doesn’t he? But Nicholas loves people. He really wants to cuddle and...
Dog of the Week – 01-11-16
Thunder – Wiggle, waggle, jiggle, squirm – Thunder just can’t seem to hold still when someone pays attention to him....
Randy – Ready for Play
So many decisions a dog must make. Tennis or soccer? Dogs or people? Randy can’t decide! He loves them all....
Planning for Your Pet’s Future Care
Losing a beloved pet is heartbreaking, but generally an expected part of having pets. They simply have shorter life spans....