Charlie – What a charmer. With his elegant walk, soft-brown eyes, and slow-motion like play, he’s an easy guy to...
Pet-Friendly Landscaping

Now that the weather is finally warming up, you may be itching to get out and start working on your...
Cat of the Week – 04-18-16

Buckley – Having a rough day? Would you like a hug? Buckley would be very happy to give you one....
Dog of the Week – 04-18-16

Roger – He’s such a delightful little guy. He seems to be grateful for every little thing. Give him a...
Video: Impressive Preston

What do a Great Pyrenees and a marshmallow have in common? Meet Preston and you’ll find out. Fluffy and white...
Video: Scooter Doo!

We’re just wondering if Scooter’s last name might be Doo. Could he be related to Scooby Doo? They share some...
Video: Victor – Stately & Playful!

Stately, distinguished. That’s a perfect description of Victor. With him walking next to you, you can’t help straightening your back...
Cat of the Week – 04-11-16

Xander – Shhhhhh. Did you hear something? That’s Xander, walking across the floor with barely a sound and ever-so-gently climbing...
Dog of the Week – 04-11-16

Hans – First impressions aren’t always correct. Take Hans, for example. Initially, he comes across as a goofy, silly boy...
Monty: A Homebody Without a Home

Monty’s a homebody…without a home, or a buddy. His philosophy is “to know you is to love you.” All he...