You’re alarm didn’t go off, you’re late for work and the kids missed the bus….again. These types of stresses happen...
Cat of the Week – 05-23-16

Casper – Curious without being nosy, affectionate but not overly-demanding, Casper is a real cat’s cat. She strikes the perfect...
Dog of the Week – 05-23-16

Nyla – The first word most people say when they meet Nyla is aah! Aah, she’s so beautiful! Aah, she’s...
Video: Grateful Gertie

Her pups are raised, she’s got a comfy place to sleep, all those nasty fleas and ticks and worms are...
Video: Aah, Nyla!

The first word most people say when they meet Nyla is aah! Aah, she’s so beautiful! Aah, she’s so playful! ...
Video: Best Bud

Someone spent some quality time with Bud before he arrived at the shelter. Even before we tried to teach him...
Video: Lively Remmy

Faster than a speeding bullet, Remmy loves to chase and be chased. She’s made lots of doggy friends at the...
Dog of the Week – 05-16-16

Max – Smart as a whip, Max is our A+ student. He’s a quick learner and very eager to please....
Cat of the Week – 05-16-16

Harriet – Once a very shy kitten, Harriet has blossomed into a playful, outgoing sweetheart, thanks to the love and...
Fastest Fetch Challenge

A Special, Limited-Time Fundraising Challenge Can’t make it to the Dawg Gone Walk & Fiesta this year but still want...