Sugar Cookie – Just as sweet as her name, she’s a wonderful companion who loves to hang out with people....
Cat of the Week – 08-30-16

Bea – She’s is a lovely, refined lady of “a certain age.” Quiet, gentle, and undemanding, she’s doing her best...
Dog of the Week – 08-22-16

Indy – A happy, energetic and slightly mischievous girl! She can’t seem to get close enough when you pet her,...
Cats of the Week – 08-22-16

Minvera & Neville Longbottom – Sometimes, two is better than one. That’s the case with Minerva and Neville Longbottom. These...
Busting Age-Old Myths

When it comes to animals, there is no shortage of misinformation, myths and old wives tales. It hasn’t been until...
Video: DJ finds fun!

DJ finds fun everywhere he looks. On his walk, he goes right for the water, jumps into the creek or...
Cat of the Week – 08-15-16

Annabelle – Her exotic looks remind us of a desert sand cat. Fortunately, she’s not quite as elusive. In fact,...
Dog of the Week – 08-15-16

Charlie – Whatever you want to do, is what Charlie wants to do! Throw balls – Charlie’s all over it. ...
Dog of the Week – 08-08-16

Baby – Those ears! That smile! That sparkling personality! Baby is a super well-rounded girl. She knows how to be...
Cat of the Week – 08-08-16

Seth – This is the cat you want with you if your daily life is hectic and unpredictable. Seth’s a...