Bobby – refined, aristocratic, a real blue-blood! Such a regal walk and precise sit, he eagerly demonstrates his nobility. But,...
Video: Hank + Ball = Laughs

A tennis ball + Hank = lots of laughs! How many ways can a dog bat, drop, smack, dribble, catch,...
Video: Lanky Langley

Langley and Will Rogers have something in common – neither have ever met a man (or dog or woman!) they...
Video: Easy-going Eli

Eli is a bit of an introvert for a hound. He enjoys his buddies–people and dogs, but he’s just fine...
Video: Happy Girl, Speck

Happy! That’s what comes to mind when you meet Speck. Her stubby tail goes a mile a minute when she...
Video: Lady Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a lady, a grande dame. Soft mouth, soft coat, and soft eyes all make you want to just...
Video: Merry Maelyn

Imagine what a bundle of energy looks like. That’s right—Maelyn. She is an active girl who can’t wait to get...
Dog of the Week – 09-05-16

Maelyn – Imagine what a bundle of energy looks like. That’s right—Maelyn. She is an active girl who can’t wait...
Cat of the Week – 09-05-16

Custer – He’s still a young guy, but Custer looks like he’s seen and done some things in life. Big...
Why Do Cats Purr?

There are few things as comforting as a purring cat in your lap. The reason why cats purr may seem...