An NBA player he is not, but, boy can Barney dribble a ball. It is so much fun to throw...
Video: Marvelous Maya

Maya wants to be part of everything. Her natural curiosity will have her checking on all around her. Throw a...
50 Years of Life-Saving Work

In 1966, a small group of people got together to discuss how to help the homeless animals of Brown County....
Cat of the Week – 10-10-16

Tabitha – everything you want in a kitty: sweet, loving, cuddly, and soft. She loves attention, and will happily roll...
Dog of the Week – 10-10-16

Lillian – Did you want to go for a walk? Oh, yeah, that’s what Lillian wants to do, too. Or...
Video: Plucky Porter

Don’t you just love those people that approach every situation with zest – always optimistic, maybe a little bold and...
Video: Tyson and his toys

A big toy box – that is what Tyson dreams of when he thinks about a new family. He’d like...
Diesel Dazzles

It didn’t take Diesel long to fit into the routine at the shelter. He’s eager to greet his caregivers in...
Dog of the Week – 10-03-16

Charlie – Whatever you want to do, is what Charlie wants to do! Throw balls – he’s all over it....
Cat of the Week – 10-03-16

Trixibell – “Her Royal Highness,” as her foster family referred to her, is used to being spoiled and getting what...