If you have been following Rosie’s story over the past few months, you know she had a bit of a rough time when she arrived. Going from life as an outdoor cat to transitioning to an indoor cat due to a diabetes diagnosis, things really changed for her.

But, she is blossoming more and more every day. She will now eagerly approach her foster mom when she comes into her room (especially if she comes with treats!). Rosie recently also started being able to explore more of the home, including interacting with her foster mom’s dogs. She does well with them – establishing her boundaries, but in a polite way.

We know she has so much more love to give as she continues to be more comfortable with an indoor home. Rosie is looking for that special someone who is patient and willing to let Rosie blossom into a relaxed full-fledged house cat!

Approximate Age: 14 years